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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Entire U.S. economy found to consist of shipping the same 2,000 boxes back and forth

On Saturday, the entire U.S. economy was found to be supported solely by shipping the same 2,000 boxes back and forth, and watching rich people buy and sell pieces of paper, also known as "stocks" and "bonds".

"I just think it's amazing that these are the same 2,000 boxes we shipped last week" an Amazon employee says. "It seems like different stuff, but they can keep 2,000 boxes pretty interesting."

Economists were not available to comment.

Following long tradition of naming buildings after racist white guys, Dem leadership purposes naming Senate office after McCain

Chuck Schumer said Sunday he plans to introduce resolution to rename the Russell Senate Office Building after the late John McCain, with support from Nancy Pelosi on the Democrat side, and Jeff Flake, a republican.

The building is currently named after Richard Russell Jr., a 40 year Senator from 1933 to 1971. He was a leader of southern opposition to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, and  helped establish the conservative coalition of Republicans.

" I think that's a fitting tribute," said Flake to  "Face the Nation" on Sunday.

Schumer says said that McCain was an "antidote when he saw bigotry," even with such tolerant quotes from McCain, including "I hate the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live," and when asked if then presidential candidate Barack Obama was an "Arab", he replied "No, ma'am. No, ma'am. He's a decent, family man, citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign is all about. He's not. Thank you."

A fitting tribute to rename a building named after a racist, to another racist.

BREAKING: Venezuelan man looses collective toothbrush, country too poor for dental insurance

VENEZUELA—A Venezuelan man lost the country's only toothbrush over the weekend, leaving many citizens floundering because the country is too poor to afford dental insurance for their citizens.

"I always knew socialism didn't work," an anonymous source says. "How are the people of Venezuela supposed to care for their dental hygiene?"

"I was always open to political change, but I never realized this kind of tragedy would happen."

One man said it would be a good idea to set up a GoFundMe to be able to afford a new toothbrush, but their proposal was shut down by the Venezuelan government, citing policy disallowing any assistance from "capitalist pigs" on the outside.

What do you think? Would you buy Venezuela a new toothbrush?

More proof that God is a woman: Women's Equality Day falls on Sunday

If God is a woman, why are all pictures of God men?
As if we needed even more proof of what acclaimed theologist Ariana Grande claimed in her 2018 essay "God is a Woman", National Women's Equality Day officially falls on a Sunday.

"When all is said and done," Ariana Grande says, "You'll believe God is a woman."

"How could God be a woman when the Bible consistently refers to God as 'Him'," says some nerd on some forum on the internet, probably.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

DNC Neuters Superdelegates, continues tradition of Sabotage

DNC Chairman Tom Perez
CHICAGO —Democrats voted to weaken their superdelegate program, a decision brought on by the bitter 2016 Presidential campaign.

Many voters felt that the program was unfair to then candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders(I-VT).

We listened and we acted,” said DNC Chairman Tom Perez. “We did what was best for the party, because we can still actively sabotage a candidates campaign and nominate whoever we want anyways.”

Senator Sanders could not be reached for comment.